Inicio » Let’s travel Barcelona by metro: with our dogs!

Let’s travel Barcelona by metro: with our dogs!

I’m sure you’ve heard about this: We can now use the metro in Barcelona accompanied by our canine companions! Now, to guarantee that all passengers are comfortable, there are some rules that we have to abide by when travelling with our dogs. Do you know all of the rules? Although the new regulations cover more than just the access of dogs to the metro system, this is what we will be focussing on today.

What do you need to know about travelling by metro with your dog?

  1. If you have a guide dog or an assistance dog, as always you will have no problem using the metro with him or her.
  2. ALL dogs using the metro must have a microchip.
  3. Dogs may enter the metro premises on weekdays between 11th September and 24th June but NOT between the hours of 7am-9.30am, and 5pm-7pm, i.e. rush hour.
  4. Only ONE dog per person.
  5. Under 16s may not bring a “potentially dangerous dog” (according to current legislation) onto the metro. Those using the metro with a dog from one of these breeds must carry the license and certificate showing that the dog is registered.
  6. Dogs must wear a muzzle, from the moment you enter the metro system until you leave the premises. They must be on a short lead: less than 50cm from the person responsible for them. Muzzles for those dogs in point 5 must be of the basket-type. Muzzles which prevent the dog from opening its mouth are prohibited.
  7. Dogs are permitted to use lifts and staircases, but not escalators.
  8. Dogs cannot take up a seat on the train, as much as they would like to!
  9. Each owner is responsible for his or her dog. It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that his or her dog causes the least inconvenience possible to other passengers.
  10. At times when there are large crowds of people, and when the security guards require it, they may limit the admission of dogs.
  11. If, despite the efforts of the dog owner community to share this information, one of you breaks one of these conditions, the person will, according to circumstances, be committing a mild or serious offense (according to articles 64.s or 65.p) of the 4/2006 law, 31st March. This means if you commit a mild offense you could be paying a fine of between €0 and €6000 or for a serious offense €6001 to €30000.

Now that I’ve explained the regulations, I would like to share with you some of our star pupils’ experiences: Jimmy the puppy and Momo the dalmation!

Jimmy and Rafa

German Shepherd cross, 8 months.

Have you travelled on public transport before with your dog? No, it’s the first time I’ve travelled with Jimmy. Actually I don’t use public transport much myself. I normally get around by bike.

  • What has the reaction of other passengers been, as you entered the metro with Jimmy? I think people aren’t used to seeing dogs on the metro yet. Many people looked rather surprised.
  • Do you think the safety regulations are over the top? No, I don’t think so. I think the use of a muzzle, and not using the metro in rush hour are good ideas. They could even designate particular carriages for dogs and leave others free of animals, so that those people who don’t want to share their journey with our pets don’t have to.


Momo the dalmation and Alex 

18 months old.

  • Have you ever travelled on public transport with Momo? I’ve only been on the train to get to the beach or parks in other areas of the city.
  • Now that you can travel with Momo on the metro, will you be using this service often? No, I don’t think I’ll be using it frequently but from time to time it’s nice to be able to discover new parts of Barcelona with Momo.


  • How have people reacted? I’ve noticed that every time we’ve boarded the train people have smiled at Momo.
  • Do you think the regulations are too strict? I think they’re appropriate. It’s important that everyone feels safe and secure while travelling. And if we want to keep this new privilege, everyone should follow the rules.

4 Comentarios

  1. sz

    yes. muzzles are ‘over the top’. nice to let dogs on transport. other systems of transport around the world that allow dogs and don’t require muzzles do not seem to make it into the news very often, i.e., people who see a dog with a muzzle assume it is potentially vicious. thanks for the information!

  2. Carine Roosen

    Terrible experience in Barcelona. No restaurant accept guide dogs on the inside ! We have to sit outside with the mosquitos….

    • Patricia Guerrero

      ¡¡ooo!! In Barcelona there are too many dog-friendly places. The next time you will chek And.. the mosquitos are our summer partners 😉 . See you next time <3


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